
Subscribers are able to check the outcome status of the PP (Prediction Products) they subscribed to on the "Portfolio" webpage. If the outcome is confirmed as "Defaulting" and meanwhile during the 7-day waiting period no appeal is made by either party, the smart contract will automatically make a settlement, and then Subscribers can claim their rewards.

Who decides if PP defaults? The PP Issuer is responsible for the confirmation of the outcome of the event. It is allowed for PP Issuer to confirm in advance when the event occurs, considering it would shorten the investment period and improve the capital efficiency of all participants. Normally, the confirmation action is required to be completed within 3 days of the product expiry, otherwise, the outcome of the PP event would be deemed as defaulting.

After the PP outcome is confirmed, both Subscribers and Liquidity Providers will be notified of the outcome of the event, and there will be a 7-day waiting period window open for Liquidity Providers and Subscribers to express their discontent with the outcome and appeal.

Appeals will be admissible by DAO governance after the Meta Predict governance model is launched. Appellants need to pay an amount of deposit and get it returned along with the settlement of claims. The Issuers who do not confirm in time or do not make the right confirmation, and appellants who make hostile appeals will be punished.

Last updated